Welcome to my Portfolio.

A look into my Interests, Accomplishments, and Goals...

About Me.

I'm Quinn, a creative and driven indiviual with a passion for imerging technologies.

A Computer Science Student.

I'm a second year student studying Computer Science and Digital Art in the heart of Detroit at the great Wayne State Univeristy!

Unreal Engine & XR development.

My passion and my career focus is directed to Unreal Engine & XR development, I have about 2.5 years of professional experince in the field, and I'd love to share some of my accomplishments!

What I do

A runthrough of my accomplishments and ongoing projects i'm pleased to be apart of!

VR Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) Positioning Tool.

Created a virtual reality positioning tool for a Hybrid III ATD model. Utilized inverse kinematics in UE4 to quickly and intuitively position and orient limbs to aid engineers in setting up simulation geometry.

Promotional Cinematic Animation for Raytheon Technologies.

Created a full length promotional cinematic animation for use of Raytheon Technologies.

Weather Visulization Tool

An ongoing project involving creating VR visulizations of Wayne State University future building concept designs.

VR Software Development.

Implemented improvements to Corvid Technologies VR Modeling and Simulation Visualization Software, Vision, through Unreal Engine Blueprint & C++ development.

Ground Vehicle Simulation & Animation R&D.

Researched, developed and created VR simulation environments, working interactive models and cinematic showcases for the military environment.

Research Papers.

Enhancing Virtual Reality Experiences with GPT-4-based Technologies // Job Satisfaction in the Unreal Engine/XR Developer Professions.

Get in contact with me.

Thank you for visiting my portfolio! I'm thrilled that you've taken the time to explore my accomplishments/interests and would love to hear from you. If you're interested in collaborating on a project, have a question, or just want to say hello, I'm always open to new connections and opportunities. I'm especially excited to connect with you. If you're looking for a dedicated and creative professional to join your team or if you have opportunities that align with my skills and experience, please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm always looking to contribute to innovative projects and working with forward-thinking organizations!